Insight personnel have been involved in numerous real estate corporate as well as asset sales and acquisitions and other transaction related consulting, such as in connection with a financing or lease renegotiation. A discussion of our approach to corporate diligence and a sampling of the corporate real estate transactions are listed under Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions portions of this web site. Below are just a few engagements, described briefly to provide a high level view of some of the breadth and depth of our real estate experience. Also see our real estate related Loan Portfolio, Distressed Assets and Litigation Support experience in those sections of this website.
- Acquisition of commercial real estate developer with approximately 200 properties – our role was to perform extensive diligence tasks and assist our client in evaluating prospective cash flows including revenue, expense and capital expenditure cash streams.
- Acquisition of the properties of a private real estate investment trust with approximately 100 commercial properties including entitled and unentitled land as well as numerous large and small commercial operating properties - This work was full financial diligence in scope and included managing the work of other diligence providers such as engineers and lawyers. Included in our work was the creation of an integrated development model displaying multiple options for possible development uses and strategies.
- Acquisition of a portfolio of outlet malls – our work included modeling the leases and developing cash flow models of overall operations in addition to full scope financial diligence on the operations and financings in place
- Acquisition of 22 shopping centers – our work initially included full scope financial diligence and then was expanded to the development and population of a lease database to be used by the buyer for analysis and post acquisition operational management
- Assistance in renegotiation of a complex long-term ground lease on a large luxury resort development containing substantial interdependent operating and developable hospitality, golf, retail, residential and commercial aspects.
- Assistance in the selection of developer/operators and negotiation of long-term ground and improvements leases for major retail and hotel development and operations.
Insight Consulting LLC